5 Tips to Make Your Event Instagram Worthy

5 Tips to Make Your Event Instagram Worthy

Events lacking excitement before, during, and after can be a big miss. Failing to grab the audience’s attention may not bode well for the brand’s image. A lack of engagement might even give off the vibe that the brand is a bit dull, and that’s something we definitely want to avoid.

If you’re in the world of event planning or overseeing marketing strategies, you might wonder how to kick up some buzz for your upcoming event. Well, the solution might just be right in front of you: Instagram marketing.

Social media marketing and experiential events are a dynamic duo. On their own, they’re handy, but blend them together, and you’ve got a powerhouse for drawing in clients and followers, and wowing your customers. Here are a few ways to upgrade the social media appeal of your next event space.

1. Create a mood with killer backgrounds

To amp up the vibe and get everyone hyped about your brand, you gotta go for those eye-catching backdrops and killer lighting.

Think balloon setups arranged like works of art, walls decked out in plants or flowers – basically, stuff that makes avid social media sharers go ‘Wow!’ Throw in some vibrant, bold colors, and voila! You’ve got an Instagram-worthy moment.

Oh, and neon lights? They’re like the secret sauce for any photo backdrop. They not only grab attention but are also super easy to customize with your event vibe. Slap on a slogan, hashtag, quote, or your brand logo to seamlessly weave your marketing magic into every social media share.

2. Spice it up with props and a photo booth

Make life simple for your attendees by setting up a designated photo area. You can get creative with unconventional items or everyday stuff to make installations, live art, or a photo booth stacked with fun props that subtly connect with your brand.

Keep the memory alive by handing out keepsakes, and don’t forget to ask for some social love on the takeaway item. Want to turn it up a notch? Throw in a post-event challenge or sweet giveaways to keep that instagram posting buzz going even after the event wraps up.

3. Get some influencers on board

No, they don’t have to be mega-famous folks with a gazillion followers.

Micro-influencers who vibe with your brand or industry can be total game-changers. If your event brings value to them and their followers, they’ll be all over it, sharing the love. They might even jump into a direct partnership with you.

Don’t forget your speaker panel, brand buddies, caterers, or entertainment crew. Just hit them up with a friendly request to shout out their involvement and boost your event.

Read more - https://blog.theticketing.in/leveraging-socia—media-to-boost-ticket-sales-for-your-event/

4. Let the hashtags talk

Perfect for hyping your event beforehand and grabbing content in real-time (plus, post-event). It’s the easiest way to weave your brand into the conversation and keep tabs on the buzz.

To make it stick, make sure your event hashtag is one-of-a-kind and clear but also short and sweet. You want your attendees to easily remember and drop your hashtag into their posts on instagram as they navigate the event scene and take in all the details.

5. Add a live social feed

Let’s crank up the excitement and increase the engagement by bringing live Instagram vibes to your event.

Add the live feed on a screen or a blank wall, showcasing your social media accounts and the event hashtag. It’s like inviting guests to join the party actively.

Also, make sure your social squad is right there, ready to jump into action and respond to any attendee posts in real-time. A quick like, follow, or comment – it’s all about encouraging that engagement. Share some attendee posts too, making them feel like VIPs in the whole experience. A simple thank-you can go a long way in showing client appreciation.

Making your event Instagram-worthy is not just a dream; it’s a ticket away. Our seamless event ticketing platform ensures your event gets the attention it deserves, and with these Instagram-friendly tips, your moments are bound to be the talk of the town. Up your event game, and let The Ticketing turn your occasions into unforgettable experiences that are instagram-worthy